jueves, 6 de agosto de 2009


Convertirme en chef ha sido una de las cosas más enriquecedoras que he podido disfrutar a través de mi vida, no solo por el simple hecho de “trabajar” haciendo algo que realmente me apasiona, sino porque además me ha abierto puertas que me han permitido vivir experiencias que hace tan solo algunos años me hubieran parecido inimaginables. Cuando Diane Petrosky y Nancy McAleer, mis talentosísimas profesoras de inglés y queridísimas amigas me pidieron que les escribiera una reseña gastronómica para una revista que pensaban publicar, pensé que tenían que tenerme mucho afecto para confiarme semejante tarea. Mi gratitud y cariño para ellas es enorme, porque entre otras cosas lograron la titánica tarea de hacer que este loro viejo aprendiera a hablar un inglés decente, así que negarme no era una opción. No imaginé en ese momento que se trataba de una publicación de altura, la espectacular revista ESCAPES de la prestigiosa línea aérea AIR PANAMA. Cuando finalmente vi la publicación de mi artículo en la revista, no pude menos que sentirme muy honrado y muy orgulloso de formar parte de un proyecto tan importante. Pero un honor más grande aún es el artículo que me dedican tan generosamente en la última edición de la revista que quiero compartir con todos ustedes y que les transcribo(en inglés) a continuación con las imágenes que le acompañan. God Bless you girls!.

Meet Our Chef – Ricardo Peraza

Those who have followed the magazine since the beginning have enjoyed the recipes of ESCAPES’ Executive Chef, Ricardo Peraza. We gave him a break this issue to, instead, tell you a bit about him.

In 2001, Ricardo left his old life in Venezuela to follow his dream of becoming a chef. It all started when this former administrator, who cooked as a hobby for his friends, jokingly told them that he was going to start charging for his services; they said “go for it.” He dabbled in the restaurant business in Venezuela until he realized he needed professional training to be successful. At 45, he headed for Panama where his Venezuelan father had met and married his mother many years before. On arriving, he was hired at the Marriott where he eventually became a banquet supervisor. In 2005, he enrolled in the Universidad Interamericana where they had begun to offer a degree in culinary arts. His years of experience led him to the “head of the class” and, ultimately, to the position he holds today – Executive Chef of the culinary arts program which forms an integral part of the university.

In eight years, Ricardo has, in his own words, “continued to surprise” himself. He has achieved success and acclaim as a chef; he has acquired his diploma and will soon begin a master’s program; he has earned the respect and admiration of students and fellow professionals alike; he currently appears on a scheduled TV cooking show in Panama; he writes for ESCAPES; he recently created his own website; and, despite his former doubts, he is supporting himself doing what he loves.

His work ethic and his production principles are simple – he believes in discipline, training, and hygiene in the kitchen, without exception. He believes that all good food stems from traditional, basic techniques; in his opinion, the term “gourmet” can not stand without this base. Anyone who has tried an ESCAPES recipe by Ricardo knows that his food is simple, nutritious, delicious, and attractive.

ESCAPES asked Ricardo who most influenced him as he found his way around the kitchen. This list is short – his Italian grandmother who did not think men belonged in the kitchen and, as such, gave it the appeal of a forbidden fruit; his mother, Ida, who is his most loving, loyal and honest critic; Karla Guerrero, Dean of the Escuela de Hoteleria, Gastronomia y Turismo (School of Hotels, Gastronomy, and Tourism) at the Interamericana, who gave him the courage to believe in himself; and those responsible for the excellent training received during his time at the Marriott. He is also highly motivated and inspired by his students who he says “revere and fear” him and who he also says are the “best thing in the [his] kitchen.”

Ricardo will be back in the next issue to bring you more tips on food and share one of his special recipes.

Escapes on line: http://issuu.com/escapes/docs/escapes11

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